It’s so hard to run an online business with just content creation & moonshot consistency. → Revenue is unpredictable → Audience is hard to grow → Algorithm changes → Online businesses are fake → Niche / market crashes → Trust and reputation are hard to build The list of excuses goes on… Yet you find those same people who are in your same shoes, or worse fitted: → Make money online → Get customers → Build brand → Do their thing → Stay on niche → Be trusted online And you just can’t figure out how they do it. (This is an ad) *** *** (This is the end of the ad) Let me tell you, It’s no luck, or magic. It’s STRATEGIC. Intentional Business Practice > Blind Marketing Consistency There is only 1 way to get rich on LinkedIn: By being a creator (of any type) who can market his skills (at any level), and can establish thought-leadership (with some expertise). I hate to say this, I know you’ve heard it a million times, But you need a sustainable plan to get there. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how simple this can be: 1) Know what you want:
Let’s pick getting freelance clients as a goal. 2) Know how to get there:
3) Do what it takes:
Content can only do so much! It’s a door opener, A party invite, But without the main dish, Without the main character, Without the main vehicle, You will not succeed. There you have it. A full blueprint on getting started as an online business owner. Now if you want a customized action plan with a content creation flywheel that is fully personalized to your specific business goal that includes:
All of this within your brand tone of voice, Please reply to this email. Or schedule a WhatsApp chat with me (not a Zoom call) from my company’s website at Brand Orchestrate. Let’s build your brand your way 🏴